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Note: On the whole website, the presence of a
colored bar
before an area allows you to show or hide its contents: click on the bar to view or not the area in question.
login and contact data
To ease you from having to remember another Username, your email address will be your username.
On the specified email you'll be receiving a recap email containing your data, including your password, therefore make sure you provide a valid address.
login and contact data

To get the most suitable dietary plan for your specific needs and tastes, it is important for us to know of any pre-existing allergies and/or intolerances, as well as your general eating habits and some other details about you. Therefore, you are warmly invited to fill in the following form carefully.
You can change your preferences at any time by simply selecting Profile > Dietary/personal data from the main menu.
Settings and personal data
Units (metr/imp):
Blood sugar unit:
Date format:
Time zone:
Date of Birth:
Initial Weight:
Desired Weight:
Settings and personal data
Special diet
Special diet

In the following area mark only foods you are actually allergic to, and therefore you could not eat under any circumstances (i.e. your actual allergies).
Food Allergies: mark what you cannot eat
Note: Since you can specify your preferences and tastes below in this page, please do not mark a food that you are not really allergic to just because it is not particularly welcome.
Specific Allergies
Specific Allergies
Crustaceans and Mollusks
Crustaceans and Mollusks
Food Allergies: mark what you cannot eat

In the following form, please select ingredients you are unwilling to eat. Please only tick foods you really dislike.
We will try and avoid prescribing you recipes containing these ingredients, unless absolutely necessary.
Preferences: mark the ingredients you would absolutely not eat
Note: Selecting too many ingredients in this list would invalidate its effectiveness, since we would be too frequently unable to choose a recipe that you may like. We would be unable to prescribe you a large amount of recipes, reducing the variety in your menu.
Therefore, we invite you to select only what you really don't like.
We also remind you that, if you should not like a specific suggested recipe, you could easily require its replacement with another one.
Note: Some names are highlighted in bold and followed by the wording (ALL): these mark the beginning of a subcategory of ingredients. Selecting one of such checkboxes you'd actually be specifying that you do not like anything that is part of that subcategory.
For example, by selecting the checkbox "Beef (ALL)", you'd be specifying that you do not like any kind of beef meat.
This has the sole purpose of simplifying the compilation of the form, saving you the time to select all the following checkboxes.
If you do not like only some of the ingredients in a group, select the related boxes (for example "Beef - fillet") without selecting the bold one.

Spices and flavorings
Spices and flavorings
Dairy Products
Dairy Products
Milk substitutes
Milk substitutes
Meat and eggs

Meat and eggs
Cold cuts
Cold cuts
Crustaceans and Mollusks
Crustaceans and Mollusks
Tea, sweets, and cereals
Tea, sweets, and cereals
Preferences: mark the ingredients you would absolutely not eat


Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions

By using our service (from now on "the Service"), so by accessing and using our software platform (from now on "the Platform") in any of its forms (whether it’s a website, a computer program, a mobile APP, or any other form), and by following the dietary program (from now on "the Program") that it will suggest, the user implicitly agrees with the following terms and conditions.

The dietary program and rules the Service follows are the result of years of research and testing conducted by third party nutritionists. However, the Service itself is provided thru the Platform, which uses an advanced automated algorithm, whose suggestions are automatically generated according to the studies the researches conducted by the nutritionists, the rules they developed, the preferences the user specified while registering to the Service, and the data he or she provides every day. No doctor (and, in general, no human being at all) is or will be involved in generating those suggestions.

What the Service will suggest is just a set of three recipes per day, one for each meal, which are basically standard recipes (with very little to no modifications from the ones that could be found on a cooking book). Thanks to the Program, they are combined to help the user reach the desired weigh, while still providing him or her with a balanced diet thru the day and the days.

The Service will never suggest anything but recipes: the Program does NOT include any food supplements or meal replacements.

The Service has not to be considered as a medical advice, and can in no way replace the opinion of a certified doctor: everything the service suggests has, indeed, to be considered as a series of suggestions.

Should the user experience any problems while following the dietary program suggested by the Service, he or she shall consult to a specialist, and, in case, stop following the Program entirely, should the doctor advise him/her to.

The Service is intended solely for adult people (18yo+), and is absolutely not intended for people who are mentally incapacitated or not self-sufficient.

The Service is not intended for pregnant women.

The Service is not intended for people who suffer from any diseases which may be influenced by, or may influence, the Program: please consult your doctor before proceeding or in case of doubt.

The Service, and the Program it provides, are offered to the users free of charge to whoever wants to use them.
However, since our earnings come from the ads which appear on the Platform, we discourage the using of any form of ad-blocker.
We may offer a paid subscription to those who don't want to see ads: the subscription has, in such case, to be intended for the sole removal of the ads.

The Service is provided as is, with no warranty whatsoever about its functionality: you are kindly invited to report any bugs, so we can fix them.


While the dietary program was originally developed by third party nutritionists, the software platform, the website, and whatever they contain, remain our exclusive intellectual property.

Even though the platform runs above an open-source CMS (Content Management System), and some third-party open-source or commercial plugins/components/templates, which remain the intellectual properties of the respective developers, we retain the intellectual property on the assembled platform in its whole, and on whatever we developed (being it a component, a plugin, some code stored in single files, or whatever else we developed and used in or for the platform).


By using our software platform (from now on "the Platform") in any of its forms (whether it is a website, a computer program, a mobile APP, or any other form), you agree with the following privacy rules.

The platform will store a digital copy of all the data you will provide. Here is a list of some of the data we collect, and why we need them

Collected and saved once

Name and surnameNoUsed for identifying you, should you contact us using anything different from an email.
You can enter whatever you want, like a pseudonym, since we don't really need to know your name unless you contact us yourself. Should you decide to go for a pseudonym, please provide the same name when contacting us.
Email addressYesUsed in many ways
  • Right after registering, the system will automatically send you your registration confirmation, which include all of your details.
  • The aforementioned registration email will contain your password (you can change it at any time): for security reasons, that's the only way for you to get your password.
  • Used for sending you a new password should you ever forget/lose it. Every password is randomly generated.
  • Used for receiving confirmation emails should you decide to delete your account, or should the system need to make sure a request was genuinely initiated by you.
  • Your email address could also be used as your username, thus making it easier for you to remember it (i.e., you won't have to remember a username).
UsernameYesUsed for logging you in. By default, your email address is used as your username, thus making it easier for you to remember it and login. You can change it at any time.
NicknameNoIt's some kind of public name: it may be used in the future should we integrate a forum platform.
Phone numberNo*Used for identifying you should you call/text us.
*Agents must provide a valid phone number; users can leave it blank.
GenderYesUsed for customizing your dietary program
Date of Birth* and heightYesUsed for customizing your dietary program.
*Only the age is actually relevant.
Unit/date formatYesUsed for your own convenience to let us know whether you prefer to use metric units (such as Cm and kg) or imperial ones (such as in and lb), and DD-MM or MM-DD date format.
Time zoneYesAll the date and times are computed and stored relatively to your time zone.
Food allergiesYesWe need to know any foods or ingredients you're allergic to, to completely avoid suggesting it.
Any recipes containing any of those ingredients will never be either suggested nor even shown to you.
Food preferencesYesWe need to know any foods or ingredients you don't like, to avoid suggesting it.
Any recipes containing any of those ingredients will never be suggested to you, anyway you will still find them, highlighted in red, at the end of the list of the alternative recipes.

Everyone of the aforementioned data can be modified, at any time, by using either the Profile form or the Dietary preferences form (depending on the data you want to modify), which are accessible, from an page, thru main menu > Profile.

Collected every day

WeightYesThe system needs to monitor your trend and your progresses (possibly with an accuracy up to 100g or 0.2lb) for suggesting you your next meals.
Blood sugar level, blood pressureNo*Collected up to multiple times per day, they're used for your own record only.
*The feature may not be implemented or may be removed at any time.
Neck/Chest/WaistlineNo*Used for your own record only.
*The feature may not be implemented or may be removed at any time.
IPAutomatic*We may store your IP with some of your activities, for software debugging, for identifying malicious activities from unauthorized users, or should you report an unauthorized access to your account (to prevent the last case, though, please use a strong password, and never use the same password for more than one service)
*This feature may be removed in the future to improve performances.
Recipe replacement historyAutomatic*We keep trace, for some time, of every change the user makes to the recipes the system suggests.
We may use those data anonymously for finely tuning the algorithm.
*This feature may be removed in the future to improve performances.
Suggested meals (AKA Prescriptions)AutomaticThey're, of course, the main purpose of the system, and they contain what is suggested to you for every meal.

You can modify your daily data only within the same day. You can also modify the suggested recipes only for the following days.

At any time, you can ask to completely anonymize your data. Once you do that, your personal data will be replaced with anonymous values, as follows:

  • Your given name1 and surname1 will be deleted;
  • Your Email, Username, and Nickname will be replaced with random strings in the form of "UserNNNNNNN", where NNNNNNN is your numeric UserID;
  • Your Preferences, Time zone, dietary preferences, date of birth, and whatever appears in "Dietary/personal data", will be erased.
  • All your history (weights and prescriptions) will be erased.

1 If you are also one of our agents/representatives, and you've been, or still have to be, paid by us for any reason (such as, but not limited to, a commission on a sale, a salary, or the payment of a single work), we're required by the law to keep your data, and the details about such payments, for accounting and fiscal purposes.

Keep in mind that the process is irreversible: should you just want to anonymize your account, you could do that yourself by simply replacing your personal info (like email, name, phone numbers, date of birth, etc) with generic ones, by going to either "Account details" or "Dietary/personal data", depending on the details you want to change (which are both accessible, from any page, thru main menu > Profile)
The system keeps no history of the previous values for those fields in its database, so updating them with newer ones will actually overwrite the previous values, thus permanently deleting the original ones from the database.

Inserimento dei dati basilari di contatto
Inserire I propri dati personali di contatto nel semplice modulo di registrazione
  • Titolo, Nome, Cognome, Indirizzo, eventuale seconda riga per l'indirizzo.
  • Nome utente: insieme alla password servirà per effettuare l'accesso all'intero sito, consentendovi dunque di operare.
  • Email: verrà utilizzata per inviare i dati di accesso, per l'eventuale recupero della password, o per comunicazioni importanti.
  • Cellulare: verrà usato solo in caso di problemi. È richiesto l'inserimento del numero in formato internazionale, per esempio +39 345 1234567 al posto di 345 1234567 per un cellulare italiano.
  • Telefono: (opzionale) potete specificare un numero di rete fissa, o un secondo cellulare.
Specificare i propri parametri personali
Si tratta di alcuni parametri che verranno utilizzati dal medico per personalizzare il vostro programma alimentare.
  • Peso iniziale: il vostro peso attuale, anche approssimativo. I pesi possono essere specificati in chilogrammi (kg) o in libre (lb), selezionando l'unità di misura relativa. Modificando quest'ultima dopo aver inserito un valore questo verrà automaticamente convertito.
  • Peso desiderato: specificare un peso approssimativo che vi prefiggete di raggiungere. Il raggiungimento di tale obiettivo segna la fine della fase di dimagrimento ed il passaggio alla fase di riadattamento. Questo valore (come anche tutti gli altri) potrà essere modificato in qualunque momento, consentendovi di decidere di raggiungere un peso inferiore a quello che vi eravate in un primo momento prefissi, o di fermarvi prima qualora vi doveste rendere conto di aver già raggiunto la forma desiderata.
  • Altezza: specificare la propria altezza in centimetri (Cm) o pollici (in), selezionando l'unità di misura relativa. Modificando quest'ultima dopo aver inserito un valore questo verrà automaticamente convertito. I valori sono salvati in centimetri.
  • Fumo: specificare quante sigarette si fumano mediamente in un giorno.
  • Alcol: specificare quante unità di alcol (p.e. bicchieri di vino o birra) si assumono mediamente alla settimana.
In ufficio o a lavoro
Indicare i pasti che si consumano regolarmente fuori casa, per esempio in ufficio.
Nota: compilazione rapida delle caselle del form (solo da computer).
  1. Selezionare la prima casella che si intende modificare: questa cambierà di stato (da disattiva ad attiva, o viceversa) e la relativa area verrà evidenziata in verde come nell'immagine precedente.
  2. Spostarsi alla casella successiva premendo il tasto Tab in alto a sinistra sulla tastiera: verrà selezionata la casella successiva e l'area relativa ad essa verrà evidenziata.
  3. Attivare o disattivare la casella (se necessario) premendo la barra spaziatrice.
  4. Passare alla casella successiva come nel punto 2, oppure premere contemporaneamente Shift + Tab per tornare alla precedente qualora si sia commesso un errore.
Preferenze specifiche
Terminata la sezione contenente i dati e le abitudini personali, si dovranno specificare alcuni importanti parametri relativi alla propria alimentazione, allergie e preferenze.
Nota: in tutto il portale la presenza di una barra colorata (solitamente arancione) prima di una sezione consente di mostrare o nascondere tale sezione: cliccare sulla barra per visualizzare o nascondere la sezione in questione.
Tipi di alimentazione ed eventuali patologie.
Contrassegnare le caselle relative al tipo di alimentazione che si segue (vegetariana / vegana / fruttariana / proteica) ed alle eventuali patologie.
Allergie alimentari
Contrassegnare le caselle relative ai cibi a cui si è allergici
In quest'area si dovranno selezionare esclusivamente quegli alimenti a cui si è realmente allergici, e, di conseguenza, che non si possono assolutamente assumere.
Nota: Dato che sarà possibile specificare le proprie preferenze alimentari più in basso, vi invitiamo a non contrassegnare un alimento a cui non si sia realmente allergisi solo perché non gradito.
Nota: A fianco ad alcuni nomi apparirà l'icona Wikipedia: si tratta di cibi o ingredienti la cui identificazione potrebbe, per alcuni, non essere immediata. Sarà sufficiente cliccarvi sopra per aprire, in un nuovo tab/finestra, la pagina relativa a tale ingrediente sul sito di Wikipedia, con la descrizione, le foto, e tutte le proprietà dello stesso.
Preferenze alimentari (ingredienti non graditi)
In quest'area si potranno specificare le proprie preferenze, selezionando i cibi che non risultano particolarmente graditi: il medico eviterà di prescrivere pietanze contenenti tali ingredienti, a meno che non ritenga che ciò sia assolutamente indispensabile.
Nota: Va sottolineato che selezionare troppi cibi in tale lista ne invaliderebbe l'efficacia, in quanto il medico si troverebbe più frequentemente nella condizione di non poter scegliere una ricetta gradita dal paziente.
Vi invitiamo pertanto a selezionare solo ciò che realmente non si gradisce.
Vi ricordiamo inoltre che qualora non si dovesse gradire una specifica ricetta consigliata si potrà tranquillamente richiederne la sostituzione con un'altra ricetta.
Sottocategorie di cibi
Alcuni nomi sono evidenziati in grassetto e seguiti dalla dicitura "(TUTTO)": questi segnano l'inizio di una sottocategoria di cibi o ingredienti. Selezionando una di tali caselle si specifica che non si gradisce nulla di ciò che fa parte di quela sottocategoria.
Per esempio nell'immagine è stata selezionata la casella "Pollo (TUTTO)", specificando che non si gradisce alcun tipo di carne di pollo.
Questo ha il solo scopo di semplificare la compilazione, risparmiando al paziente di selezionare tutte le caselle seguenti.
Se invece non si gradiscono solo alcuni degli ingredienti in un gruppo, selezionare le caselle relative senza selezionare quella in grassetto.
Note ed invio dati
Al termine del form torverà delle aree in cui le sarà possibile specificare eventuali attività sportive da lei svolte, oppure delle annotazioni da comunicare al medico. Tali campi sono opzionali.
Dopo aver ricontrollato tutti i dati potrà finalmente cliccare sul pulsante Conferma per completare la sua registrazione.
Dopo aver inviato i suoi dati riceverà un messaggio di benvenuto a conferma dell'esito positivo della registrazione.
La invitiamo a prendere nota del nome utente da lei scelto, nonché dell'ID utente assegnatole dal sistema.
Entro pochi minuti riceverà un'e-mail contenente la password necessaria per l'accesso al portale.
Nota: Se non dovesse ricevere tale e-mail entro quindici minuti, la invitiamo a controllare la cartella Posta indesiderata (o spam) della sua casella e-mail.
Qualora non dovesse essere in alcun modo in grado di recuperare la sua password ci contatti citando l'ID utente che le è stato assegnato ed il suo nome utente.
Nota: Potrà modificare tale password in qualunque momento, dopo ave effettuato l'accesso, dal menu principale alla voce
Profilo > Account ed indirizzi
Dalla stessa pagina potrà modificare anche il suo Nome utente e tutti i suoi dati anagrafici.